Photograph shows two aboriginal women standing before a tipi in the brush.
Writing beneath the photograph in the album reads: At the Indian Settlement. Based on provenience of images in the album, the aboringals in question may be from the Michipicoten band.
This commission was appointed in late 1944 and made it's reports and recommendations in late 1945. The commission's tasks were the following: (1) give a legal opinion on existing taxation legislation affecting co-operatives, (2) reccomend taxation legislation in respect to co-operatives, with due regard to current tax burdens on privately owned busniess, (3) provide a picture of the actual structure of co-operative enterprise in Canada, its growth, and the effects of taxation upon it.
The commission's findings were, briefly: (1) Section 4, paragraph (p) of the Income War Tax Act is so ambiguous as to justify its repeal, (2) commission reccomended legislation permitting both co-operative and joint stock companies to deduct patronage dividends in computing taxes, whether paid out or available on demand, (3) appendicies of research staff findings that provide statistical and historical information on the origin, growth and distribution of co-operatives in Canada.
See also fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
.This sub-series contains volumes 1 - 31 of the Royal Commission on Co-operatives, the brief and report on the Commission, an outline of argument on behalf of certain co-operative organizations.
Photograph shows the Aboriginal camp site at the Brandon Fair. Pictured are wagon carts, tipis, and canvas tents.
Writing on back of photograph reads: 6 prints [20-2009.145 to 20-2009.150]. Indians at the Brandon Fair. Camping off 18th St. back of fair grounds. 1923
A commission to inquire into the formation and operation of the Manitoba Pool up until 1931. Charges were brought against the Pool by J.R. Murray, then Assistant General Manager of UGG. The four charges were, briefly: (1) producers had been mislead into forming elevator associations, (2) members are bound by contract to the association, (3) financial statements sent out to associations are inaccurate, (4) Pool members are not getting as good a deal as they would on the free market.
The first two charges were deemed provable by the commission, while the last two were not. It was noted by the commissioner that no pool members had come forward with complaints.
See also fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
.This sub-series contains volumes 1 - 25 of the Royal Commission on Manitoba Pool Elevators.
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Katherine Stinson & aircraft with Indigenous peoples
Photo taken in Brandon, Manitoba
Miss Stinson was half Indigenous
See Lawrence Stuckey file (Finding Aids) for biography of Katherine Stinson.
[Please note that in the title we have chosen to maintain the original terminology used by Mr. Stuckey in order to maintain the original context and order of the record. P.E. 08/07/09.]
Photograph shows the Aboriginal camp site at the Brandon Fair. Pictured are wagon carts and canvas tents. Two children can be seen sitting in a wagon.
Writing on back of photograph reads: 6 prints [20-2009.145 to 20-2009.150]. Indians at the Brandon Fair. Camping off 18th St. back of fair grounds. 1923
Photograph shows a group of Aboriginal peoples sitting near a fair building. Several members are dressed in regalia.
Writing on back of photograph reads: 6 prints [20-2009.145 to 20-2009.150]. Indians at the Brandon Fair. Camping off 18th St. back of fair grounds. 1923
Photograph shows a group of Aboriginal peoples standing in a circle surrounding a group in traditional regalia. An American flag is visible in the foreground.
Writing on back of photograph reads: 6 prints [20-2009.145 to 20-2009.150]. Indians at the Brandon Fair. Camping off 18th St. back of fair grounds. 1923
Photograph shows the backside of a group Aboriginal peoples dressed in traditional regalia. An American flag is visible in the background
Writing on back of photograph reads: 6 prints [20-2009.145 to 20-2009.150]. Indians at the Brandon Fair. Camping off 18th St. back of fair grounds. 1923
Photograph shows the backside of a pair of Aboriginal men dressed in traditional regalia. Both are wearing beaded clothing and one is wearing a deer head headdress. An American flag is visible in the background
Writing on back of photograph reads: 6 prints [20-2009.145 to 20-2009.150]. Indians at the Brandon Fair. Camping off 18th St. back of fair grounds. 1923
Photographs have been glued to a backing board that has warped over time
History / Biographical
Photograph of possible Dakota from Sioux Valley in Brandon for the summer fair.
Scope and Content
Photograph shows street view of north side of Rosser Avenue, primarily the 700 block. Businesses visible in the Fleming Block include: Lowes Brothers Clothing, Robert Hall [Insurance Broker], Manitoba Farmers Hedge and Wire Fence Company. Businesses visible in the Beaubier Block include the Empire Hotel. Businesses east of the Empire Hotel are grocer A.M. Percival and the Brandon Hardware Company. A number of Aboriginal peoples are travelling on horseback west along Rosser Avenue as spectators look on.
Writing on the front of the photograph matting reads: 293. One photograph (20-2009.9) is glued above and two others are glued on the reverse side. Page appears to be from a photo album.
Photographs have been glued to a backing board that has warped over time
History / Biographical
Photograph of possible Dakota from Sioux Valley in Brandon for the summer fair.
Scope and Content
Photograph shows street view of north side of Rosser Avenue, primarily the 700 block. Businesses visible in the Beaubier Block include the Empire Hotel. Businesses east of the Empire Hotel are grocer A.M. Percival, the Brandon Hardware Company, and the Arlington Hotel. A number of Aboriginal peoples are driving horse and buggies east along Rosser Avenue as large numbers of spectators look on.
Writing on the front of the photograph matting reads: 298. One photograph (20-2009.79) is glued above, another (20-2009.81) adjacent. One other is glued on the reverse side. Page appears to be from a photo album.
This is an artificially created series containing records retained by Manitoba Pool Elevators of official commissions, committee and inquiries that dealt directly with the organization and it's interests. Subjects include commission investigation as well and committee and inquiries into government policy and bills.
See also fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
.This series has been divided into seven sub-series, including: (1) Royal Commission on Co-operatives, (2) Royal Commission on Manitoba Pool Elevators, (3) Transportation Commissions and Inquiries, (4) Box Car Inquiry, (5) Grain Commissions and Inquiries, (6) Agricultural Commissions and Policy, (7) Miscellaneous Committes, Commissions and Inquiries
Photographs have been glued to a backing board that has warped over time
History / Biographical
Photograph of possible Dakota from Sioux Valley in Brandon for the summer fair.
Scope and Content
Photograph shows street view of north side of Rosser Avenue, primarily the 700 block. Businesses visible in the Fleming Block include: Lowes Brothers Clothing, Robert Hall [Insurance Broker], Manitoba Farmers Hedge and Wire Fence Company. Businesses visible in the Beaubier Block include the Empire Hotel. Businesses east of the Empire Hotel are grocer A.M. Percival and the Brandon Hardware Company. A number of Aboriginal peoples are driving horse and carriages west along Rosser Avenue as spectators look on.
Writing on the front of the photograph matting reads: 295 July 1906. One photograph (20-2009.11) is glued above and two others are glued on the reverse side. Page appears to be from a photo album.
Photographs have been glued to a backing board that has warped over time
History / Biographical
Photograph of possible Dakota from Sioux Valley in Brandon for the summer fair.
Scope and Content
Photograph shows street view of north side of Rosser Avenue, primarily the 700 block. Businesses visible in the Fleming Block include: Lowes Brothers Clothing, Robert Hall [Insurance Broker], Manitoba Farmers Hedge and Wire Fence Company. Businesses visible in the Beaubier Block include the Empire Hotel. Businesses east of the Empire Hotel are grocer A.M. Percival and the Brandon Hardware Company. A number of Aboriginal peoples are driving horse and buggies west along Rosser Avenue as spectators look on.
Writing on the front of the photograph matting reads: 294 July 1906. One photograph (20-2009.10) is glued below and two others are glued on the reverse side. Page appears to be from a photo album.
Born on February 10, 1924, in Elgin, Manitoba, Audrey Ellen Silvius (nee Honeyman) was raised in Fairfax, Manitoba on the Honeyman homestead. In 1964, she received her Indian name, Blue Star. Silvius completed her high school education in Fairfax before moving to Winnipeg in 1943, to earn her Nursing degree from Grace Hospital. She later completed her post-graduate degree in Psychiatric Nursing at the Brandon Mental Health Centre. Married to Merritt W. Silvius, Audrey Silvius raised four children, David, Kay, Lorna (Downie) and Gail (Campos) while working in her chosen field. In addition to her family and her career, she was also involved with the Brandon Council of Women and the United Church in Brandon. Silvius was the first executive director of the Brandon Indian-Metis Friendship Centre, a founding member of the local branches of the Marquis Project and Amnesty International and initiated a project called Tools for Peace. She was also involved in various other peace and human rights organizations. In 1987, she received the Order of the Buffalo Hunt from the Province of Manitoba in recognition of her work relating to women’s issues. In 1992, she was awarded a Confederation medal for community service.
Custodial History
The records found within the collection were collected by Audrey Silvius from a number of people, including Jean Halliday, Grace Godmaire and Norma Walmsley, involved in various projects with her throughout the years. Prior to their donation to the McKee Archives at Brandon University in October and November 2000, the records were stored at Mrs. Silvius’ home.
Scope and Content
Collection consists of meeting minutes, agendas, speeches, correspondence, newsletters, brochures, written publications and newspaper clippings. Four photographs and one pencil drawing are also included within the collection.
The records deal with the creation, activities, and history of the Brandon Indian-Metis Friendship Centre, as well as the activities of its Board of Directors. In addition, materials located within the collection can be divided into two areas: (1) those that relate to various organizations associated with the Friendship Centre itself, such as the Council of Christians and Jews and the Brandon Council of Women; (2) materials related to projects of important individuals involved with the Friendship Centre, such as the South Western Manitoba Recreation Council and the 4F Club of Minnedosa. Other records deal with general aboriginal issues in Canada during the time frame of the Audrey Silvius collection.
CAIN No. 202607. Description by Christy Henry (2000).
The collection is divided into ten (10) series:
1. The Brandon Indian-Metis Friendship Centre
2. The Scout – Friendship Centre newsletter
3. The Brandon Council of Women
4. Council of Christians and Jews
5. Aboriginal Glee Club/Dancers
6. The South Western Manitoba Recreation Council
7. 4F Club of Minnedosa
8. Miscellaneous Publications related to Aboriginal Issues
9. Miscellaneous Newspaper Clippings related to Aboriginal Issues
10. Photographs and pencil drawing