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Part Of
RG 4 Manitoba Pool Elevator fonds
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
Part Of
RG 4 Manitoba Pool Elevator fonds
Description Level
Series Number
MPE A 200
textual records
Date Range
Physical Description
5 cm
Scope and Content
Rosser Co-operative Elevator Association Limited Minutes of Council meetings: Jan, March, Sept, 1988 - Jan, Aug, Feb, April, June, Oct, 1990 - Feb, 1991. Miscellaneous, Invitation to the Grand Opening of the Rosser Elevator. Note: Minutes of the council meetings for Bergen and Bergen-Gordon (Amalgamated) for Feb. 1973 to Nov. 1987 are included in Rosser file MPE A 200. Corporate Name: Rural Municipality of Rosser
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Lovstrom Block A - summary
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Series Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
History / Biographical
Block A was the most southern site in the locale. The excavation block consisted of 12 contiguous 1m2 units dug in a 3m x 4m rectangle. The block was the least productive of cultural materials, and bone preservation was the poorest. Under the sod, the black loam layer appeared at 5 cm below surface, and the glacial clay at 25 cm below surface. Excavators described the soil matrix as gritty and silty, and it became concrete hard when dried. The occupation or bone layer extended from 10 to 25 cm below surface and consisted of a contiguous scatter of FCR and unidentifiable large ungulate bone which was heavily processed and intensively scavenged by carnivores. Most cultural materials were recovered within this layer. Fire cracked rock (FCR) and small burnt bone fragments were present but no intact hearths or processing features were evident. Non-cultural materials included limestone and other natural pebbles derived from the parent till. (These small limestone pebbles were apparent in the occupation layers in other blocks as well). Root and rodent disturbance was extensive throughout Block A. Most units were excavated to gravelly clay till. Nine of the twelve units were dug to level 4b, which ended at 40 cm b.s. No further excavations were done at this site. No C14 dates were taken.
Scope and Content
Sub-sub-sub series contains: Summary information of field methology, number and co-ordinates of excavations, personnel and their staff position; Field journals are daily records of recoveries, features and activities at the site; Site records include excavation level and unit summaries, feature sheets, profiles; sample records and maps; Artifact catalogues are lists and identifications of all artifacts recovered; Photographs are of excavation units, features, the landscape and personnel.
Name Access
Lovstrom Block A - summary
Subject Access
Archaeology Lovstrom locale Lovstrom Block A
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Lovstrom Block F - summary
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Series Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
History / Biographical
In 1988 four 1m2 units were excavated in this Block F. The forest cover is identical to that of Block E, with an open oak forest with a light understory of saskatoon, hazelnut, poison ivy and sarsaparilla. Underneath the litter mat (Ah) is a shallow, 15-20 cm “A” horizon of dark grey/brown silty loam with a high representation of pebble size clasts. The glacial clays, encountered at 20 cm below surface, consist of a matrix of light tan sandy clays containing rounded pebble to cobble size rocks. The recoveries from this block consisted of a few ceramics, including Vickers Focus rim sherds, four lithic tools and a number of small bison bone fragments. There was no discernible cultural stratigraphy in the four 1m2 units and the limited deposits of bone, ceramics and lithics were dispersed randomly throughout the 25 cm of cultural matrix. The lithic materials frequencies were similar to those in Block E with local cherts and KRF being the most abundant categories. A small amount of fire-cracked rock and a few large identifiable bison bones were recovered – all distributed randomly with little evidence for any pattern of clustering. No RC dates.
Scope and Content
Sub-sub-sub series contains: Summary information of field methology, number and co-ordinates of excavations, personnel and their staff position; Field journals are daily records of recoveries, features and activities at the site; Site records include excavation level and unit summaries, feature sheets, profiles; sample records and maps; Artifact catalogues are lists and identifications of all artifacts recovered; Photographs are of excavation units, features, the landscape and personnel.
Name Access
Lovstrom Block F - summary
Subject Access
Archaeology Lovstrom locale Lovstrom Block F
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Lovstrom Block H - summary
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
1988 - 1991
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Series Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
1988 - 1991
History / Biographical
The vegetation in block H is similar to other areas in the locale with an open oak forest with a light understory of saskatoon, hazelnut, poison ivy and sarsaparilla. The excavations of the eight 1m2 units in 1988 resulted in the recovery of over 650 ceramic fragments including 20 rim sherds from at least four vessels, a grooved maul, fire-cracked rock, lithic debitage and a reworked Avonlea projectile point. A large amount of bison bone, including a number of axial elements and a fragmented skull were also recovered. Based on the 1988 recoveries at the site further excavations took place in 1991. Nine excavation units were opened next to the previous excavations. Another 250 ceramic sherds were recovered in 1991. Nine vessels have been identified based on rim sherds. Vickers Focus and Woodland vessels have been identified and two vessels similar to Scattered Village Complex were recovered. The lithic material assemblage is intermediate between Blocks G and E with KRF being the most frequent material category followed by local cherts. Two features, a hearth and a curvilinear arrangement of rock were recovered. The high numbers of ceramic fragments suggests a habitation area, rather than hunting or butchering behavior. However, the separation of occupations at the site is difficult to establish and there may be different uses of the site by successive occupations. Radiocarbon dates from this block indicate two occupations separated in time by some 300 years. XU 181 – 405/110 BP and XU 184 – 780/110 BP.
Scope and Content
Sub-series has been divided into sub sub series including: Lovstrom Block H 1988 and Lovstrom Block H 1991.
Name Access
Lovstrom Block H - summary
Subject Access
Archaeology Lovstrom locale Lovstrom Block H
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Lovstrom Block C - summary
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Series Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
History / Biographical
Block C was situated in sparse oak forest with an understory of saskatoon, hazelnut and a thick ground cover of poison ivy and sarsaparilla. The block measured 3m and 3m and contained nine excavation units. All units were excavated to 35cm below surface. The soil horizons were much like the other blocks, except for a rusty brown stain in the first level, giving the upper black loam a mottled appearance. The brown patches were clay mixed with loam and were harder than the surrounding matrix. No definitive interpretation of these phenomena was attempted but this effect may be the result of natural brush or forest fires. Under the 5cm so d/humus (Ah) layer, the loam horizon extended approximately 5cm – 25 cm below surface, and averaged 20 cm thick. Bone was concentrated within this horizon between 10 cm – 20 cm below surface. Block C was notable for its concentrations of articulated bison bone. Most noteworthy was an articulated unit composed of lumbar vertebrae, pelvis, and sacrum. Several thoracic vertebra/proximal rib end concentrations were also recovered. There were more vertebrae and rib sections recovered in the units in proportion to other bones. A few sherds, some debitage and a single Prairie Side-Notched point fragment were among the recoveries. Based on the quantity of bone, the density of the bone layer, and the articulated butchering units the area has been interpreted as a bone midden. Faunal material was analysed by Jessica MacKenzie for her Honours Thesis: "A reconstruction of butchering processes in Block C from the Lovstrom site DjLx-1 in Southwestern Manitoba." Radiocarbon date: 850/115BP XU 79.
Scope and Content
Sub-sub-sub series contains: Summary information of field methology, number and co-ordinates of excavations, personnel and their staff position; Field journals are daily records of recoveries, features and activities at the site; Site records include excavation level and unit summaries, feature sheets, profiles; sample records and maps; Artifact catalogues are lists and identifications of all artifacts recovered; Photographs are of excavation units, features, the landscape and personnel.
Name Access
Lovstrom Block C - summary
Subject Access
Archaeology Lovstrom locale Lovstrom Block C
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Lovstrom Block D - summary
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
1987 - 1988
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Series Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
1987 - 1988
History / Biographical
Block D was wooded with oak and an understory of saskatoon and hazelnut with a thick ground cover of poison ivy and sarsaparilla. Root and rodent disturbance was extensive. Based on the recoveries from Test Unit 22 during the survey, further excavations were carried out. Two units 87 and 93 were excavated in 1987. A further four units were excavated in 1988. There appears to be a pre contact occupation and a protohistoric feature within the block. Diagnostic lithics included a chert Plains Side-notch projectile point, and a large Woodland side-notched point. The lithic materials from Block D are primarily local cherts followed in abundance by Knife River Flint and Tongue River Silicified Sediment – both of which are exotics imported from the southwest. Faunal remains were primarily bison. Thin-walled obliterated fabric impressed pottery with grit temper was recovered in all units. Diagnostic ceramics included two rims, one with a fabric impressed exterior and the lip notched with dowel impressions, and a second thick walled rim was fabric impressed to the lip. The ceramic wares appear to be essentially a Woodland complex with overtones of Plains influence. RC date: 230/90 BP.
Scope and Content
Sub-series has been divided into sub sub series including: Lovstrom Block D 1987 and Lovstrom Block D 1988.
Name Access
Lovstrom Block D - summary
Subject Access
Archaeology Lovstrom locale Lovstrom Block D
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Lovstrom Block E - summary
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
1987 - 1991
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Series Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
1987 - 1991
History / Biographical
This site is situated in a naturally sheltered area with a low rise to the east and south partly encircling a flat area open to the west. Present natural vegetation is an open oak forest with a light understory of saskatoon, hazelnut, poison ivy and sarsaparilla. It is situated on the till plain at the upper end of a ravine leading to Jock’s Creek. Two test units six meters apart were excavated in 1987 and produced cultural materials which warranted a block excavation, so seven contiguous 1m2 units were then opened. These units proved to be very productive of cultural remains. Subsequent excavations in 1988 increased the number of excavated units to 21. In 1991 a further eight units were excavated for a total of 29 excavations and two test units. Excavations went deeper in this block than in Blocks C or B. Remains from the block included bison bone, bone tools, fire-cracked rock, ceramics, lithics including tools and debitage and a hearth. Another occupation was recovered in 1991 containing a hearth and living floor. Radiocarbon samples have produced two distinct sets of radiocarbon dates from 1987 and 1988 excavations. There appears to be two or possibly three cultural horizons definable within this block. An upper cultural horizon, located between 14-21 cm below surface, contains large bison bone and fire-cracked rock dating to 465/100B.P from XU 128. A lower horizon in the 20-25 cm level contained FCR, bison bone and lithic scatter that was dated to 675/70 B.P. from XU 122 and 715/110 from XU 114.
Scope and Content
Sub-series has been divided into sub sub series including: Lovstrom Block E 1987, Lovstrom Block E 1988 and Lovstrom Block E 1991.
Name Access
Lovstrom Block E - summary
Subject Access
Archaeology Lovstrom locale Lovstrom Block E
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Lovstrom Block B - summary
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Series Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
History / Biographical
Block B consisted of 20 contiguous 1m2 units excavated to 30 cm below surface. (except unit 58 which was excavated to 35 cm bs to obtain extended soil profile). The block is situated in recent oak and poplar forest at the head of a ravine leading to Jock’s Creek, adjacent to an area cleared for market gardening. As was the case with Block A, the understory is heavily overgrown with hazelnut, chokecherry, saskatoon, and a poison ivy/sarsaparilla ground cover. The soil levels below the sod in Block B consisted of a black, silty, and gritty loam layer from 5 cm to 23 cm below surface, a yellow and sandy clay from 23 cm to 30 cm below surface, and glacial till at 30 cm below surface. As in Block A, limestone cobbles were found throughout the occupation level around the bone. It is evident that bioturbation – primarily tree roots and rodent burrowing – have significantly altered patterns of original deposition of lithics, ceramics and small bone. The faunal layer lay close to the surface, situated entirely in the black loam 5 cm – 23 cm below surface. The 23 cm depth also marked the end of the dark silty loam. At 10 cm below surface, a discernible patterning of the bone appeared. Concentrations of bone in narrow rows ran in an irregular pattern from the northwest to the southeast part of the block. This pattern was most apparent in the north end of the block which is the highest point in the block. In the same 1m2 unit, patches of weathered, very poorly preserved bone would be found lying close to patches of well preserved bone. It is believed that this variability in preservation results from uneven rates of burial due to taphic activities of pocket gophers or other agents of bioturbation. The same pattern of uneven preservation occurs over much of the locale but is most evident in Block B. Diagnostic lithics included eleven projectile points that were predominantly Plains or Prairie Side-notch types, but included two unnotched triangular points. Cord-wrapped impressed rim sherds and body sherds were recovered. The ceramics are variants of the Woodland Blackduck horizon. RC dates: XU49 – 675/80 BP XU 59 – 705/75BP.
Scope and Content
Sub-sub-sub series contains: Summary information of field methology, number and co-ordinates of excavations, personnel and their staff position; Field journals are daily records of recoveries, features and activities at the site; Site records include excavation level and unit summaries, feature sheets, profiles; sample records and maps; Artifact catalogues are lists and identifications of all artifacts recovered; Photographs are of excavation units, features, the landscape and personnel.
Name Access
Lovstrom Block B - summary
Subject Access
Archaeology Lovstrom locale Lovstrom Block B
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Lovstrom Block G 1988 - summary
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Series Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
History / Biographical
In 1988 four units were excavated in Block G. The vegetation is similar to other areas in the locale with an open oak forest with a light understory of saskatoon, hazelnut, poison ivy and sarsaparilla. Excavations recovered artifacts between 0 cm – 15 cm b.s. The cultural deposits are very shallow and it is quite possible that what appears to be a single occupation may in fact represent multiple occupation compressed deposits as a result of deflation or the lack of sedimentation in this raised area. This latter view is supported by the ceramics which appear to be a mixture of Blackduck and Vickers Focus wares. The frequency and distribution of cultural material from block G contrasts with that of other sites in the locale. While the diagnostic materials are similar, the nature of the background debris and the associated lithic assemblage suggests that this area was utilized for a different set of activities. Unlike Blocks E and H, there is very little in the way of ceramics, fire-cracked rock or bison bone, yet a significant amount of lithic debitage and six Plains/Prairie Side-notched projectile points were recovered. No unifaces or scrapers were recovered. This may be an area where activities such as manufacture and hafting of projectile points; hunting activities, butchering and refuse disposal took place. No RC dates were taken.
Scope and Content
Sub-sub-sub series contains: Summary information of field methology, number and co-ordinates of excavations, personnel and their staff position; Field journals are daily records of recoveries, features and activities at the site; Site records include excavation level and unit summaries, feature sheets, profiles; sample records and maps; Artifact catalogues are lists and identifications of all artifacts recovered; Photographs are of excavation units, features, the landscape and personnel.
Name Access
Lovstrom Block G 1988 - summary
Subject Access
Archaeology Lovstrom locale Lovstrom Block G
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The Manitoba co-operator
Part Of
RG 4 Manitoba Pool Elevator fonds
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
1931-1936; 1943-2001
Other Title Info
Formerly The Scoop Shovel
Part Of
RG 4 Manitoba Pool Elevator fonds
Manitoba Pool Elevator Library Collection
Manitoba Co-operative Conference
Description Level
Series Number
textual records
Date Range
1931-1936; 1943-2001
Winnipeg : Manitoba Co-operative Conference, ltd
Physical Description
74 v. ; ill.; 5.46 m
Scope and Content
During the independent existence of Manitoba Pool Elevators, the Manitoba Co-operator, published by the Manitoba Co-operative Conference Ltd., was the official organ of the cooperative movement in the province. The sub-series consists of issues of The Manitoba Co-operator from 1931-1936 and 1943-2001.
Description by Jill Sutherland and Christy Henry.
Subject Access
Cooperative Periodicals
Farm produce Marketing Periodicals
microfilm, PDF
Location Original
Archives 14-24-2, Box 24 - Manitoba Pool
Location Copy
Z drive
The Scoop Shovel, Vol. VII No.1-7 is bound with the Manitoba Co-operator, Vol. VII, No. 9-12
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Manitoba: The Province & The People monograph
Part Of
Fred McGuinness collection
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
c. 1986 - 1987
Accession Number
Other Title Info
Title based on the contents of the subseries
Part Of
Fred McGuinness collection
Description Level
Series Number
McG 5.4
Accession Number
textual records
Date Range
c. 1986 - 1987
Physical Description
Approximately 30 cm of textual records
History / Biographical
These records were produced between 1986 and 1987, the researching and writing period for the book Manitoba: The Province & The People. Published in 1987 by Hurtig Publishers (Edmonton), Manitoba is a 203-page hard cover book, containing 2 maps, and 58 images. BU faculty members Dr. Kenneth “Ken” Stephen Coates, Assistant Professor of History, and Mr. Fred McGuinness, Lecturer in Journalism, authored the book. Assisting the writers was a research team of three BU history students: Diane Fowler, Rob McGarva, and Bruce Stadfeld. All three students were former research assistants for The Pride of the Land monograph. The authors cover 117 years of Manitoba social history, starting with the Red River Settlement and the Dominion of Canada expansion in the 1870s, followed by the war years, and the emergence of modern, contemporary Manitoba.
Custodial History
Records were collected and created by McGuinness, Coates, and the research students during the creation of the book, Manitoba: The Province & The People. The materials were donated to the McKee Archives by the Estate of Fred McGuinness circa 2011. The Archives accessioned the records in 2015.
Scope and Content
The subseries consists of textual records, created and collected during the production of the monograph Manitoba: The Province & The People. It includes copies of newspaper articles from newspapers (such as the Brandon Sun, Brandon Daily Sun, Winnipeg Free Press, and Saturday Night), copies of journal articles about the Red River Valley, Government of Manitoba industrial publications, photocopies and a few original photographs used in the publication, and drafts for chapter “brites.”
Information in the history/biography was taken from the “Manitoba: The Province & The People’s” acknowledgments section
Language Note
Fred McGuinness often uses journalistic jargon to label his files. A “brite” refers to a short, amusing story. McGuinness often organized his ideas and research materials by potential brite topic
Finding Aid
A file level inventory is available
Storage Location
2015 accessions
Related Material
Original copies of the July 10, 1899 and July 12, 1899 editions of the Brandon Daily Sun containing articles about the Hilda Blake trial are available in the oversize drawers in the Reading Room
See McG 1.2 Box 3 File 48 for correspondence pertaining to royalties for this monograph
Arrangement was artificially created by the Archives. Files in this subseries have been arranged according to the order in which brites first appear in the book Original file titles, where available, have been recorded in square brackets after the file title assigned by the Archives For this subseries, the original photographs have been relocated to the McGuinness collection photograph series (McG 9)

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Bertha Leith (nee Clark) fonds
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Bertha Clark
Description Level
Series Number
MG 2 2.31
Accession Number
Date Range
Physical Description
24 photographs (b/w)
History / Biographical
Bertha Miriam Clark was born on Prince Edward Island but attended public and high school in Brandon, MB. She was a member of the Class of 1929 and served as Lady Stick in her final year at Brandon College. Clark married J. Scott Leith, Brandon College Class of 1928. Scott and Bertha Leith's son James Clark Leith is in the Canadian Who's Who.
Custodial History
Album was sent to Pat Britton, Brandon University Director of Alumni Relations, by Bertha Leith in April 1991. Britton then transferred it to the McKee Archives.
Scope and Content
Fonds consists of a small accordian style photograph album (7 x 10.5 x 3.5 cm) created by Bertha Clark during her years at Brandon College. The photographs, which measure 4" x 2.75", depict numerous people and events.
History/Bio information taken from the 1928-1929 Sickle.
Name Access
Bertha Clark
Ruth Bingham
Professor Richards
Lil Bullman
Clark Hall
Brandon College Building
Jean Hitchings
Lloyd Bowler
Kay Underwood
Scott Leith
Denis Phillpots
Donald Ritchie
Harold Cairns
Andrew Clark
Isabel Hitchings
A. Foster
Rundle McLachlan
Carl Wickland
Doris Bingham
Doris Dowling
Ella Whitmore
Meta Mischpeter
Vera Ulinder
Josh Thompson
Doris Cochrane
Frank Kerr
Cyril Richards
Thomas Russell Wilkins
Flo Turnbull
Esther Magoon
Hilda Harrison
Doris Ireton
Mrs. Richards
W.L. Wright
Annie Evans Wright
Miss Hatch
Jennie Turnbull
Mrs. MacNeill
Mrs. C.G. Stone
Helen Duncan
Constance Lamontagne
Marian Bulloch
Mabel Craig
Subject Access
Class of 29'
Sports Day 1925
English Club
Lake Percy
Arts 1929
CPR depot
Brandon College boys 1925-1927
18th Street Hill
Class of 1928
Class of 1929
Class of 1930
Class of 1931
arts faculty outing
Storage Location
MG 2 Brandon College Students 2.31 Bertha Leith (nee Clark)
Related Material
Edward Lloyd Bowler collection (36-1999)
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Part Of
Fred McGuinness collection
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
c. 1966 - 2010
Accession Number
Other Title Info
Title based on the contents of the subseries
Part Of
Fred McGuinness collection
Description Level
Series Number
McG 2.2
Accession Number
textual records
Date Range
c. 1966 - 2010
Physical Description
Approximately 63.5 cm of textual records
History / Biographical
In November 1966, McGuinness was hired as vice-president to the Brandon Sun. He moved to Brandon with his family and had a career with the paper until his death in 2011. During his years with the Sun, McGuinness wrote a tri-weekly “Sunbeams” (sometimes spelled “Sun Beams”) column using the nom-de-plume F.A. [Fifth And] Rosser. Sunbeams was similar to McGuinness’ “Lighthouse” column for The Medicine Hat News; commenting on a variety of current events, Sunbeams also included book reviews, local events, and reminiscences. Upon his retirement in January 1987, McGuinness was made publisher emeritus of the Brandon Sun. A week after his retirement, he began writing a new column for the Sun, called the “Diary.” Initially a bi-weekly column, which was made into a weekly column in 2009, McGuinness continued writing the “Diary” until his hospitalization in 2010. The Diary column was primarily a historical retrospective of Brandon, although it also touched on broader topics of interest to McGuinness during the time period.
Custodial History
Accession 1-2015 contains records created and collected over the course of McGuinness’ career as a newspaper journalist and freelance writer. The Estate of Fred McGuinness donated the materials to the SJ McKee Archives circa 2011. The Archives accessioned the records in 2015.
Scope and Content
The subseries contains records created and collected by Fred McGuinness during his time as a journalist, editor, and freelance writer with the Brandon Sun. The records consist of scrapbooks of Sunbeams columns, Sunbeam drafts, Diary drafts, article proofs, column research, and correspondence.
Readers’ correspondence pertaining to McGuinness’ time with the Brandon Sun can be found in Fred McGuinness’ personal papers, subseries McG 1.2 Correspondence. Possible research for his Sunbeam and Diary columns may be found in McG 4.1 Local history research and McG 2.3 Neighborly News (File 3)
Finding Aid
A file level inventory is available
Storage Location
2015 accessions
Arrangement was artificially created by the Archives. Subseries has been re-arranged according to publication period

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Brandon Reflections
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
1935, 1937-1938
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
Series Number
textual records
Date Range
1935, 1937-1938
Physical Description
3 mm
Physical Condition
The October 1936 issues has some tears from a hole punch.
History / Biographical
Brandon Reflections was a quarterly publication issued by Brandon College in the interests of Christian education. The publication was a product of the Brandon College Board of Directors.
Scope and Content
Sub-series consists of copies of Brandon Reflections for: March 1935 (Vol. 1, No. 1), October 1936 (Vol. 1, No. 6), December 1937 (Vol. 1, No. 10) and March 1938 (Vol. 1, No. 11).
Storage Location
RG 1 Brandon College fonds Series 12: Brandon College publications
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Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba history: Pride of the land monograph
Part Of
Fred McGuinness collection
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
c. 1984 - 1985
Accession Number
[formerly 6-2008]
Other Title Info
Title based on the contents of the subseries
Part Of
Fred McGuinness collection
Description Level
Series Number
McG 5.1
Accession Number
[formerly 6-2008]
textual records
Date Range
c. 1984 - 1985
Physical Description
Approximately 1 m of textual records
1 map
History / Biographical
These records were produced between 1984 and 1985, the researching and writing period for the book The Pride of the Land: An Affectionate History of Brandon’s Agricultural Exhibition. Published in 1985 by Peguis Books (Winnipeg), Pride of the Land is a 222-page soft cover book, containing hundreds of pictures, and 50,000 words of text. BU faculty members Dr. Kenneth “Ken” Stephen Coates, Assistant Professor of History, and Mr. Fred McGuinness, Lecturer in Journalism, authored the book. Assisting the writers was a research team of four BU history students, which were referred to as “The Pride Team”: Diane Fowler, Rob McGarva, Bruce Stafeld, and Byron Williams. The Pride Team was tasked with collecting and synthesizing exhibition documents and other materials in city, provincial, and federal records spanning 100 years. Many local newspapers and committee minutes were consulted. The authors cover 103 years of Brandon Fair history, starting with the first fair in 1882 followed by the development of other agricultural fairs and exhibitions in Brandon, specifically The Royal Manitoba Winter Fair, The Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba, and the Ag-Ex livestock show.
Custodial History
Records were collected and created by McGuinness, Coates, and The Pride Research Team during the process of the creation of the book, The Pride of the Land: An Affectionate History of Brandon’s Agricultural Exhibition. The materials were donated to the SJ McKee Archives by the authors circa 1988. The Archives accessioned the records in 2008.
Scope and Content
The subseries consists of textual records, created and collected during the production of the monograph Pride of the Land. It includes research cards created by the research team, copies of newspaper articles from very early editions of Brandon newspapers (such as the Brandon Sun, Brandon Daily Sun, Western Sun, and The Independent), copies of fair/organizational minutes, photocopies of photographs used in the publication, and chapter drafts. Of particular interest are the detailed summaries of Provincial Exhibition minutes that were specifically produced for each book chapter.
Information in the history/biography was taken from a Brandon University press release dated June 1985, about the Pride of the Land Project (see file 64) Description Note: The original accession number is noted on the front of each file folder. The circled number indicates the original file order in the 6-2008 accession
Language Note
Fred McGuinness often uses journalistic jargon to label his files. A “brite” refers to a short, amusing story
Pride of the Land acronyms: PEM = Provincial Exhibition Association of Manitoba RCMP = Royal Canadian Mounted Police WAAA = Western Agricultural & Arts Association
Finding Aid
A file level inventory is available
Storage Location
2015 accessions
Related Material
Provincial Exhibition Association of Manitoba fonds
Arrangement was artificially created by the Archives. Subseries has been arranged according to book chapter. McGuinness often organized his ideas and research materials by potential brite topic

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The Keystone Province: An Illustrated History of Manitoba Enterprise monograph
Part Of
Fred McGuinness collection
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
c. 1986 - 1987
Accession Number
Other Title Info
Title based on the contents of the subseries
Part Of
Fred McGuinness collection
Description Level
Series Number
McG 5.5
Accession Number
textual records
Date Range
c. 1986 - 1987
Physical Description
Approximately 6 cm of textual records
History / Biographical
These records appear to have been produced between 1986 and 1987, the researching and writing period for another monograph, Manitoba: The Province & The People. Published in 1988 by Windsor Publications (Burlington, Ontario), The Keystone Province: An Illustrated History of Manitoba Enterprise is a 184-page hard cover book, containing 250 black-and-white illustrations and 40 colour photographs. The authors cover 378 years of Manitoba entrepreneurial history, starting with the Aboriginal Peoples and the early fur trade, ensuing Red River settlement, followed by the war years, and emerging Manitoba economies. The final chapter of the book contains select profiles of Manitoba businesses, many of which were acknowledged as financial contributors to the project. BU faculty members Dr. Kenneth “Ken” Stephen Coates, Assistant Professor of History, and Mr. Fred McGuinness, Lecturer in Journalism, authored the book. Dr. Coates accepted a position as an assistant professor of Canadian History at the University of Victoria during the book’s production. BU Professor of History, Dr. William R. Morrison, was credited as the picture researcher for the publication. Free-lance writer Roger Newman was responsible for preparing the Manitoba business biographies in the final chapter. The book was produced in co-operation with the Manitoba Chamber of Commerce.
Custodial History
Records were collected and created by McGuinness and Coates during the creation of the monographs Manitoba: The Province & The People and The Keystone Province: An Illustrated History of Manitoba Enterprise. The materials were donated to the SJ McKee Archives by the Estate of Fred McGuinness circa 2011. The Archives accessioned the records in 2015.
Scope and Content
The subseries consist of textual records, created and collected during the production of the monographs Manitoba: The Province & The People and The Keystone Province: An Illustrated History of Manitoba Enterprise. It includes journal articles, book chapters, Government of Manitoba industry publications, a few original photographs used in the publication, and drafts for chapter “brites.”
Information in the history/biography was taken from the The Keystone Province: An Illustrated History of Manitoba Enterprise dust jacket and patrons section of the book In the file level inventory, square brackets at end of file names reference the original location of the file in the unprocessed Fred McGuinness collection. The original location is also noted on the front of each file folder
Language Note
Fred McGuinness often uses journalistic jargon to label his files. A “brite” refers to a short, amusing story. McGuinness often organized his ideas and research materials by potential brite topic
Finding Aid
A file level inventory is available
Storage Location
2015 accessions
Arrangement was artificially created by the Archives. Files in this subseries have been arranged according to the order in which brites first appear in the book

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MPE D 2 Royal Commission on Manitoba Pool Elevators
Part Of
RG 4 Manitoba Pool Elevator fonds
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
Part Of
RG 4 Manitoba Pool Elevator fonds
Description Level
Series Number
textual records
Date Range
Physical Description
History / Biographical
A commission to inquire into the formation and operation of the Manitoba Pool up until 1931. Charges were brought against the Pool by J.R. Murray, then Assistant General Manager of UGG. The four charges were, briefly: (1) producers had been mislead into forming elevator associations, (2) members are bound by contract to the association, (3) financial statements sent out to associations are inaccurate, (4) Pool members are not getting as good a deal as they would on the free market. The first two charges were deemed provable by the commission, while the last two were not. It was noted by the commissioner that no pool members had come forward with complaints. See also fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
.This sub-series contains volumes 1 - 25 of the Royal Commission on Manitoba Pool Elevators.
Description by Jillian Sutherland (2010)
Name Access
Royal Commission on Manitoba Pool Elevators
United Grain Growers
Subject Access
Storage Location
RG 4 Manitoba Pool Elevator fonds Series D: Commissions, Committees and Inquiries
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Brandon College Inc.
Part Of
RG 3 A.E. McKenzie Company fonds
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
Part Of
RG 3 A.E. McKenzie Company fonds
Description Level
Series Number
MG 5 1.1
textual records
Date Range
Physical Description
15.9 cm
History / Biographical
A.E. McKenzie was involved with Brandon College from its very beginnings. He was present at the cornerstone-laying ceremony of the Brandon College Building in July of 1900; he became a member of the Brandon College Endowment Committee in 1918; the following year he was on the Finance Committee. By the mid-1920's, he was a member of the Board of Directors of the College. In 1928, he was part of a group that convinced the Baptist Union of Western Canada, the principal funding body for the College, to provide money towards reducing the College’s accumulated deficit. McKenzie and other members of the College Board had advised the Union that they were developing an endowment plan to provide continuing financial support for Brandon College. In 1931. Mr. McKenzie organized the Brandon Board of Trade to help save the College when the Baptist Union indicated its intention to withdraw financial support to the College. When efforts to have the City of Brandon provide finacial resources to the College failed, A.E. McKenzie organized the Brandon Citizen's Campaign to raise enough money to enable the College to open the next year. In 1938, when the Baptist Union did withdrew support from the College, McKenzie offered to establish a $100,000 endowment, which he later raised to $300,000, to ensure the continuation of the College. On August 1 of the same year, the Board of Trade, of which McKenzie was a member, set out to raise $15,000 to match the offer the government had made to the College. In September 1938, McKenzie increased his endowment again, this time to $500,000. As a result, of McKenzie's endowment and the fundraising efforts of the Board of Trade the charter establishing Brandon College Incorporated was approved on April 17, 1939.
Custodial History
See fonds level description of custodial history of A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd.
Scope and Content
This sub-series includes correspondence between McKenzie and Lowes with various government officials - Duff Roblin, Hon. George Johnson, Hon. Stewart E. McLean and Comptroller-General George D. Iliffe. There is also correspondence with the company lawyer, William Johnston. Documents within the series consist of the Act to Incorporate Brandon College, Inc. and Bill 86, as well as an indenture and an agreement between C.S. Eaton, G.C. Edwards, A.E. McKenzie, D.H. Hudson and E.J. Tarr. There are also a number of documents written by McKenzie that were presented to the Brandon College Board of Directors. Brandon College Inc. resolutions regarding the McKenzie Foundation are also included. The sub-series has one sub sub series: MG 5 1.1.1 History of Brandon College Inc.
Storage Location
RG 3 A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. fonds MG 5 A.E. McKenzie fonds
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Brandon Board of Trade
Part Of
RG 3 A.E. McKenzie Company fonds
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
Part Of
RG 3 A.E. McKenzie Company fonds
Description Level
Series Number
MG 5 1.4
textual records
Date Range
Physical Description
0.3 cm
History / Biographical
The Brandon Board of Trade was founded in 1883 to promote business activity and economic expansion in Brandon. Aside from these records, no other records of the Board of Trade are known to exist.
Custodial History
See fonds level description of custodial history of A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd.
Scope and Content
Sub-series includes the intervention of the Board in the 1910 municipal election in Brandon and a listing of the standing committee for 1911. The sub-series also includes a letter to Mr. Blanchard from A.E. McKenzie and a financial statement for the Brandon Commercial Bureau.
Storage Location
RG 3 A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. fonds MG 5 A.E. McKenzie fonds
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Brandon College Bulletin
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
1917-1937 (not inclusive)
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
Series Number
textual records
Date Range
1917-1937 (not inclusive)
Physical Description
1.5 cm
History / Biographical
The Brandon College Bulletin was a forerunner to the current Brandon University annual report. Nothing else is known about its origins. The publication was a product of the Brandon College Board of Directors.
Scope and Content
Sub-series consists of copies of the Brandon College Bulletin for: 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1931, 1934, 1935, 1936 and 1937.
Storage Location
RG 1 Brandon College fonds Series 12: Brandon College publications
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20 records – page 1 of 1.